Your privacy is very important to Lurevibe and we are committed to protecting your personal information, especially when you are using our site. This policy contains information about how your personal information is processed and used, your rights, and how to contact Lurevibe.


Safe delivery

Your privacy is very important to Lurevibe, so all products ordered from Lurevibe are packed in plain cardboard boxes. No nosy neighbor, no chatty postman, no kid who loves to destroy packages, no dog who loves to chew - no one can see what's inside your parcel. Only you know what's inside.

Please click on "Safe Delivery" for more information.


1. Personal Information Collection

When you visit our site, we collect personal information about you, such as your name, email address, shipping address, phone number, inquiry history, and shopping preferences. If you decline, we may not be able to provide you with the services or interact with you in the way you wish.

When you place an order or send a message, we may collect the following personal information:

Order details: order number, product details;

Contact details: telephone number, email address, shipping address;

Personal information: name, date of birth, gender, etc.;

Social information: social media, shopping preferences, identity, bank accounts;

Address: GPS location, website address;

Browsing details: the pages you visited on our site and the time spent on them.

2. Use of Personal Information

We collect personal information in order to provide better services and products to our customers. We will not provide personal information to third parties other than those joint users specified at the time of collection without the consent of the person in question.

To ensure delivery of your orders on this site, we collect contact information such as your name, phone number, email address, and shipping address.

We recommend products you may want or need, and we collect your searches to better inform you of your preferences.

We will send you information about recommended products and services. All communication is subject to your consent.

We may also publish and use anonymous, aggregated reports and statistics about users of our website or our products and services for internal reporting, reporting to our group or third parties, and for marketing and promotional purposes. These anonymous, aggregated reports and statistics will not reveal any personal information about users.

3. Personal data storage

We store your personal data in an unrecognized format. We protect your personal data with all necessary security measures to ensure your privacy. Therefore, we treat your data as confidential and will not provide your personal data to third parties.

Your rights

Lurevibe protects your rights regarding your personal information under data protection law and we will require you to provide proof of identity to help us verify your personal information or search for your personal information to exercise your rights.

You have the following rights:

Review and correct your personal information;

The accuracy of your personal information is important to Lurevibe, so we require you to let us know when your personal information changes, especially if your name, email address, phone number, and shipping address change.

Object to your personal data being processed;

If you would like to object to your personal information being used for direct marketing purposes, please let us know. At your request, we will temporarily suspend the processing of your personal information until we can investigate the matter, or, if you have the right under data protection law, we will permanently stop using your data for those purposes.

Delete your personal information;

You have the right to the deletion of your personal information. If your request is reasonable and within the rights permitted by data protection laws, Lurevibe will stop processing your personal information and assist you in removing it from our systems.

Restrict the processing of your personal data;

If you believe your personal information is being processed unlawfully, please let us know and Lurevibe will do our best to investigate and resolve the issue. Please note that Lurevibe may only process your personal information with your consent or where legally permitted, subject to restrictions.

Access your personal information and understand how it is processed.

You have the right to access your personal information on our site and to understand that it is being processed.


You may contact us for any reason, including to exercise your rights regarding your personal information. Please contact us by email at We will investigate any use or disclosure of your personal information and will respond to any complaints or disputes regarding it.